English translation
Note that the documentation for Trojan-Go was translated from original Chinese using the automatic translation service DeepL. Please submit a PR if you find any discrepancy.
Here is the documentation for Trojan-Go, you can find some tips on how to use it in the left navigation bar, as well as a full description of the configuration file.
Trojan-Go is a complete Trojan proxy implemented in Go, compatible with the Trojan protocol and the original configuration file format. It supports and is compatible with most of the features of the Trojan-GFW version, and extends it with more useful features.
The primary goal of Trojan-Go is to guarantee transmission security and stealth. With this in mind, the performance and ease of use of the transfer is improved as much as possible.
If you encounter configuration and usage problems, find software bugs, or have better ideas, feel free to join Trojan-Go’s Telegram Feedback Group.
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